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Compare Tonga (2007) - Burkina Faso (2002)

Compare Tonga (2007) z Burkina Faso (2002)

 Tonga (2007)Burkina Faso (2002)
 TongaBurkina Faso
Administrative divisions 3 island groups; Ha'apai, Tongatapu, Vava'u 30 provinces; Bam, Bazega, Bougouriba, Boulgou, Boulkiemde, Ganzourgou, Gnagna, Gourma, Houe, Kadiogo, Kenedougou, Komoe, Kossi, Kouritenga, Mouhoun, Namentenga, Naouri, Oubritenga, Oudalan, Passore, Poni, Sanguie, Sanmatenga, Seno, Sissili, Soum, Sourou, Tapoa, Yatenga, Zoundweogo

note: a new electoral code was approved by the National Assembly in January 1997; the number of administrative provinces was increased from 30 to 45 (Bale, Bam, Banwa, Bazega, Bougouriba, Boulgou, Boulkiemde, Comoe, Ganzourgou, Gnagna, Gourma, Houet, Ioba, Kadiogo, Kenedougou, Komandjari, Kompienga, Kossi, Koupelogo, Kouritenga, Kourweogo, Leraba, Loroum, Mouhoun, Nahouri, Namentenga, Nayala, Naumbiel, Oubritenga, Oudalan, Passore, Poni, Samentenga, Sanguie, Seno, Sissili, Soum, Sourou, Tapoa, Tuy, Yagha, Yatenga, Ziro, Zondomo, Zoundweogo), however, this change has not yet been confirmed by the US Board on Geographic Names
Age structure 0-14 years: 34.6% (male 20,624/female 19,779)

15-64 years: 61.2% (male 35,551/female 36,052)

65 years and over: 4.2% (male 2,087/female 2,828) (2007 est.)
0-14 years: 47.3% (male 3,007,675; female 2,960,697)

15-64 years: 49.8% (male 3,000,411; female 3,271,594)

65 years and over: 2.9% (male 151,976; female 210,832) (2002 est.)
Agriculture - products squash, coconuts, copra, bananas, vanilla beans, cocoa, coffee, ginger, black pepper; fish peanuts, shea nuts, sesame, cotton, sorghum, millet, corn, rice; livestock
Airports 6 (2007) 33 (2001)
Airports - with paved runways total: 1

2,438 to 3,047 m: 1 (2007)
total: 2

over 3,047 m: 1

2,438 to 3,047 m: 1 (2002)
Airports - with unpaved runways total: 5

1,524 to 2,437 m: 1

914 to 1,523 m: 3

under 914 m: 1 (2007)
total: 31

1,524 to 2,437 m: 3

914 to 1,523 m: 11

under 914 m: 17 (2002)
Area total: 748 sq km

land: 718 sq km

water: 30 sq km
total: 274,200 sq km

land: 273,800 sq km

water: 400 sq km
Area - comparative four times the size of Washington, DC slightly larger than Colorado
Background Tonga - unique among Pacific nations - never completely lost its indigenous governance. The archipelagos of "The Friendly Islands" were united into a Polynesian kingdom in 1845. Tonga became a constitutional monarchy in 1875 and a British protectorate in 1900; it withdrew from the protectorate and joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970. Tonga remains the only monarchy in the Pacific. Independence from France came to Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) in 1960. Governmental instability during the 1970s and 1980s was followed by multiparty elections in the early 1990s. Several hundred thousand farm workers migrate south every year to Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana.
Birth rate 23.67 births/1,000 population (2007 est.) 44.34 births/1,000 population (2002 est.)
Budget revenues: $56.97 million

expenditures: $83.88 million (FY04/05)
revenues: $316 million

expenditures: $NA, including capital expenditures of $NA (2001)
Capital name: Nuku'alofa

geographic coordinates: 21 08 S, 175 12 W

time difference: UTC+13 (18 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
Climate tropical; modified by trade winds; warm season (December to May), cool season (May to December) tropical; warm, dry winters; hot, wet summers
Coastline 419 km 0 km (landlocked)
Constitution 4 November 1875; revised 1 January 1967 2 June 1991 approved by referendum; 11 June 1991 formally adopted
Country name conventional long form: Kingdom of Tonga

conventional short form: Tonga

local long form: Pule'anga Tonga

local short form: Tonga

former: Friendly Islands
conventional long form: none

conventional short form: Burkina Faso

former: Upper Volta, Republic of Upper Volta
Currency - Communaute Financiere Africaine franc (XOF); note - responsible authority is the Central Bank of the West African States
Death rate 5.2 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.) 17.07 deaths/1,000 population (2002 est.)
Debt - external $80.7 million (2004) $1.5 billion (1999)
Diplomatic representation from the US the US does not have an embassy in Tonga; the ambassador to Fiji is accredited to Tonga chief of mission: Ambassador Anthony HOLMES

embassy: 602 Avenue Raoul Follereau, Koulouba, Secteur 4

mailing address: 01 B. P. 35, Ouagadougou 01; pouch mail - U. S. Department of State, 2440 Ouagadougou Place, Washington, DC 20521-2440

telephone: [226] 306723

FAX: [226] 303890
Diplomatic representation in the US chief of mission: Ambassador Fekitamoeloa 'UTOIKAMANU

chancery: 250 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022

telephone: [1] (917) 369-1025

FAX: [1] (917) 369-1024

consulate(s) general: San Francisco
chief of mission: Ambassador Tertius ZONGO

chancery: 2340 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008

telephone: [1] (202) 332-5577

FAX: [1] (202) 667-1882
Disputes - international none two villages are in dispute with Benin
Economic aid - recipient $31.75 million (2005) $484.1 million (1995) (1995)
Economy - overview Tonga has a small, open, South Pacific island economy. It has a narrow export base in agricultural goods. Squash, coconuts, bananas, and vanilla beans are the main crops, and agricultural exports make up two-thirds of total exports. The country must import a high proportion of its food, mainly from New Zealand. The country remains dependent on external aid and remittances from Tongan communities overseas to offset its trade deficit. Tourism is the second-largest source of hard currency earnings following remittances. The government is emphasizing the development of the private sector, especially the encouragement of investment, and is committing increased funds for health and education. Tonga has a reasonably sound basic infrastructure and well-developed social services. High unemployment among the young, a continuing upturn in inflation, pressures for democratic reform, and rising civil service expenditures are major issues facing the government. One of the poorest countries in the world, landlocked Burkina Faso has a high population density, few natural resources, and a fragile soil. About 90% of the population is engaged in (mainly subsistence) agriculture, which is highly vulnerable to variations in rainfall. Industry remains dominated by unprofitable government-controlled corporations. Following the African franc currency devaluation in January 1994 the government updated its development program in conjunction with international agencies, and exports and economic growth have increased. Maintenance of macroeconomic progress depends on continued low inflation, reduction in the trade deficit, and reforms designed to encourage private investment.
Electricity - consumption 32.55 million kWh (2005) 262.26 million kWh (2000)
Electricity - exports 0 kWh (2005) 0 kWh (2000)
Electricity - imports 0 kWh (2005) 0 kWh (2000)
Electricity - production 35 million kWh (2005) 282 million kWh (2000)
Electricity - production by source - fossil fuel: 71%

hydro: 29%

nuclear: 0%

other: 0% (2000)
Elevation extremes lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m

highest point: unnamed location on Kao Island 1,033 m
lowest point: Mouhoun (Black Volta) River 200 m

highest point: Tena Kourou 749 m
Environment - current issues deforestation results as more and more land is being cleared for agriculture and settlement; some damage to coral reefs from starfish and indiscriminate coral and shell collectors; overhunting threatens native sea turtle populations recent droughts and desertification severely affecting agricultural activities, population distribution, and the economy; overgrazing; soil degradation; deforestation
Environment - international agreements party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution

signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Wetlands

signed, but not ratified: Law of the Sea, Nuclear Test Ban
Ethnic groups Polynesian, Europeans Mossi over 40%, Gurunsi, Senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Mande, Fulani
Exchange rates pa'anga per US dollar - 2.0277 (2006), 1.96 (2005), 1.9716 (2004), 2.142 (2003), 2.1952 (2002) Communaute Financiere Africaine francs (XOF) per US dollar - 742.79 (January 2002), 733.04 (2001), 711.98 (2000), 615.70 (1999), 589.95 (1998), 583.67 (1997); note - from 1 January 1999, the XOF is pegged to the euro at a rate of 655.957 XOF per euro
Executive branch chief of state: King George TUPOU V (since 11 September 2006)

head of government: Prime Minister Dr. Feleti SEVELE (since 11 February 2006); Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Viliami TANGI (since 16 May 2006)

cabinet: Cabinet consists of 14 members, 10 appointed by the monarch for life; four appointed from among the elected members of the Legislative Assembly, including two each from the nobles' and peoples' representatives serving three-year terms

note: there is also a Privy Council that consists of the monarch, the cabinet, and two governors

elections: none; the monarch is hereditary; prime minister and deputy prime minister appointed by the monarch
chief of state: President Blaise COMPAORE (since 15 October 1987)

head of government: Prime Minister Ernest Paramanga YONLI (since 6 November 2000)

cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister

elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term; election last held 15 November 1998 (next to be held NA 2005); in April 2000, the constitution was amended reducing the presidential term from seven to five years, enforceable as of 2005, and allowing the president to be reelected only once; it is unclear whether this amendment will be applied retroactively or not; prime minister appointed by the president with the consent of the legislature

election results: Blaise COMPAORE reelected president with 87.5% percent of the vote

note: President COMPAORE faces an increasingly well-coordinated opposition; recent charges against a former member of his Presidential Guard in the 1998 assassination of a newspaper editor signify an attempt to defuse chronic areas of dissatisfaction
Exports NA bbl/day $265 million f.o.b. (2001 est.)
Exports - commodities squash, fish, vanilla beans, root crops cotton, animal products, gold
Exports - partners US 39.7%, Japan 27.8%, NZ 8.2%, South Korea 7.6% (2006) Venezuela 14.7%, Benelux 12.2%, Italy 9.6%, France 7.0% (2000)
Fiscal year 1 July - 30 June calendar year
Flag description red with a bold red cross on a white rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner two equal horizontal bands of red (top) and green with a yellow five-pointed star in the center; uses the popular pan-African colors of Ethiopia
GDP - purchasing power parity - $12.8 billion (2001 est.)
GDP - composition by sector agriculture: 23%

industry: 27%

services: 50% (FY03/04 est.)
agriculture: 31%

industry: 28%

services: 41% (2000)
GDP - per capita - purchasing power parity - $1,040 (2001 est.)
GDP - real growth rate 2.4% (2005 est.) 4.7% (2001 est.)
Geographic coordinates 20 00 S, 175 00 W 13 00 N, 2 00 W
Geography - note archipelago of 169 islands (36 inhabited) landlocked savanna cut by the three principal rivers of the Black, Red, and White Voltas
Highways - total: 12,506 km

paved: 2,001 km

unpaved: 10,505 km (1999)
Household income or consumption by percentage share lowest 10%: NA%

highest 10%: NA%
lowest 10%: 2%

highest 10%: 40% (1994) (1994)
Imports NA bbl/day $580 million f.o.b. (2001 est.)
Imports - commodities foodstuffs, machinery and transport equipment, fuels, chemicals capital goods, food products, petroleum
Imports - partners Fiji 30.3%, NZ 27.7%, US 8.2%, Australia 7.5%, France 5.7%, UK 4.7% (2006) Cote d'Ivoire 25.1%, Venezuela 23.4%, France 17.0% (2000)
Independence 4 June 1970 (from UK protectorate) 5 August 1960 (from France)
Industrial production growth rate 1% (2003 est.) 14% (2001 est.)
Industries tourism, fishing cotton lint, beverages, agricultural processing, soap, cigarettes, textiles, gold
Infant mortality rate total: 11.99 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 13.3 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 10.61 deaths/1,000 live births (2007 est.)
105.3 deaths/1,000 live births (2002 est.)
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 11.1% (2005 est.) 3.5% (2001 est.)
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) - 1 (2002)
Irrigated land NA 250 sq km (1998 est.)
Judicial branch Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the monarch); Court of Appeal (Chief Justice and high court justices from overseas chosen and approved by Privy Council) Supreme Court; Appeals Court
Labor force 33,910 (2003) 5 million (1999)

note: a large part of the male labor force migrates annually to neighboring countries for seasonal employment (1999)
Labor force - by occupation agriculture: 65%

industry and services: 35% (1997 est.)
agriculture 90% (2000 est.)
Land boundaries 0 km total: 3,193 km

border countries: Benin 306 km, Cote d'Ivoire 584 km, Ghana 549 km, Mali 1,000 km, Niger 628 km, Togo 126 km
Land use arable land: 20%

permanent crops: 14.67%

other: 65.33% (2005)
arable land: 12.43%

permanent crops: 0.18%

other: 87.39% (1998 est.)
Languages Tongan, English French (official), native African languages belonging to Sudanic family spoken by 90% of the population
Legal system based on English common law based on French civil law system and customary law
Legislative branch unicameral Legislative Assembly or Fale Alea (32 seats - 14 reserved for cabinet ministers sitting ex officio, nine for nobles selected by the country's 33 nobles, and nine elected by popular vote; members serve three-year terms)

elections: last held on 21 March 2005 (next to be held in 2008)

election results: Peoples Representatives: percent of vote - HRDMT 70%, other 30%; seats - HRDMT 7, independents 2
unicameral National Assembly or Assemblee Nationale (111 seats; members are elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms)

elections: National Assembly election last held 5 May 2002 (next to be held NA May 2007)

election results: percent of vote by party - NA%; seats by party - CDP 57, RDA-ADF 17, PDP/PS 10, CFD 5, PAI 5, others 17
Life expectancy at birth total population: 70.12 years

male: 67.6 years

female: 72.76 years (2007 est.)
total population: 46.11 years

male: 45.45 years

female: 46.78 years (2002 est.)
Literacy definition: can read and write Tongan and/or English

total population: 98.9%

male: 98.8%

female: 99% (1999 est.)
definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 36% (2001)

male: NA%

female: NA%
Location Oceania, archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand Western Africa, north of Ghana
Map references Oceania Africa
Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm

exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

continental shelf: 200 m depth or to the depth of exploitation
none (landlocked)
Merchant marine total: 14 ships (1000 GRT or over) 58,756 GRT/67,889 DWT

by type: bulk carrier 1, cargo 9, liquefied gas 1, livestock carrier 1, passenger/cargo 1, refrigerated cargo 1

foreign-owned: 3 (Australia 1, Switzerland 1, UK 1) (2007)
Military branches Tonga Defense Services: Land Force (Royal Guard), Naval Force (includes Royal Marines, Air Wing) (2006) Army, Air Force, National Gendarmerie, National Police, People's Militia
Military expenditures - dollar figure - $40.1 million (FY01)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP 0.9% (2006 est.) 1.4% (FY01)
Military manpower - availability - males age 15-49: 2,688,072 (2002 est.)
Military manpower - fit for military service - males age 15-49: 1,379,010 (2002 est.)
National holiday Emancipation Day, 4 June (1970) Republic Day, 11 December (1958)
Nationality noun: Tongan(s)

adjective: Tongan
noun: Burkinabe (singular and plural)

adjective: Burkinabe
Natural hazards cyclones (October to April); earthquakes and volcanic activity on Fonuafo'ou recurring droughts
Natural resources fish, fertile soil manganese, limestone, marble; small deposits of gold, antimony, copper, nickel, bauxite, lead, phosphates, zinc, silver
Net migration rate 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2007 est.) -0.84 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2002 est.)
Political parties and leaders People's Democratic Party [Tesina FUKO] African Democratic Rally-Alliance for Democracy and Federation or RDA-ADF [Herman YAMEOGO]; Confederation for Federation and Democracy or CFD [Amadou Diemdioda DICKO]; Congress for Democracy and Progress or CDP [Roch Marc-Christian KABORE]; Movement for Tolerance and Progress or MTP [Noyabtigungu Congo KABORE]; Party for African Independence or PAI [Philippe OUEDRAOGO]; Party for Democracy and Progress or PDP [Joseph KI-ZERBO]; Union of Greens for the Development of Burkina Faso or UVDB [Ram OVEDRAGO]
Political pressure groups and leaders Human Rights and Democracy Movement Tonga or HRDMT [Rev. Simote VEA, chairman]; Public Servant's Association [Finau TUTONE] Burkinabe General Confederation of Labor or CGTB; Burkinabe Movement for Human Rights or MBDHP; Group of 14 February; National Confederation of Burkinabe Workers or CNTB; National Organization of Free Unions or ONSL; watchdog/political action groups throughout the country in both organizations and communities
Population 116,921 (July 2007 est.) 12,603,185

note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and death rates, lower population and growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2002 est.)
Population below poverty line 24% (FY03/04) 45% (2001 est.)
Population growth rate 1.847% (2007 est.) 2.64% (2002 est.)
Ports and harbors - none
Radio broadcast stations AM 1, FM 4, shortwave 1 (2001) AM 3, FM 17, shortwave 3 (2002)
Radios - 394,020 (2000)
Railways - total: 622 km (517 km from Ouagadougou to the Cote d'Ivoire border and 105 km from Ouagadougou to Kaya)

narrow gauge: 622 km 1.000-m gauge (1995 est.)
Religions Christian (Free Wesleyan Church claims over 30,000 adherents) indigenous beliefs 40%, Muslim 50%, Christian (mainly Roman Catholic) 10%
Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.043 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 0.986 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.738 male(s)/female

total population: 0.993 male(s)/female (2007 est.)
at birth: 1.03 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.02 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 0.92 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female

total population: 0.96 male(s)/female (2002 est.)
Suffrage 21 years of age; universal universal
Telephone system general assessment: competition between Tonga Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) and Shoreline Communications Tonga (SCT) is accelerating expansion of telecommunications; SCT recently granted authority to develop high-speed digital service for telephone, Internet, and television

domestic: fully automatic switched network

international: country code - 676; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean) (2004)
general assessment: all services only fair

domestic: microwave radio relay, open wire, and radiotelephone communication stations

international: satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean)
Telephones - main lines in use 13,700 (2005) 53,200 (2000)
Telephones - mobile cellular 29,900 (2005) 25,200 (2000)
Television broadcast stations 3 (2004) 1 (2002)
Terrain most islands have limestone base formed from uplifted coral formation; others have limestone overlying volcanic base mostly flat to dissected, undulating plains; hills in west and southeast
Total fertility rate 2.75 children born/woman (2007 est.) 6.26 children born/woman (2002 est.)
Unemployment rate 13% (FY03/04 est.) NA%
Waterways - none
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